The ANR ABF personals section on Dreams of Milk is provided as a FREE service to the Adult Nursing and Adult Breastfeeding community. Please take care that anything you disclose does not compromise your personal safety.
We do have a few simple rules to keep this a safe space for everyone:
- All ads are vetted before being posted.
- No harassment of others.
- No profanity.
- No vulgarity.
- No SPAM.
All approved ads will be active for sixty days, then they will be automatically removed. If you wish to have your ad up for another sixty days, please contact us.
Should there be any profanity, vulgarity or SPAM submitted to be posted, your ad will be automatically deleted and your IP will be banned.
NOTE: If you are experiencing any problems/harassment as a result of others contacting you privately, PLEASE CONTACT US AT ONCE. The situation will be rectified immediately. All correspondence will be kept in the strictest confidence.