Lactating Without Being Dependent On Domperidone (4)
Why it is so difficult to induce lactation without the aid of drugs like Domperidone.
Lactating Without Being Dependent On Domperidone (3)
Lactation is the result of the proper balance of certain milk essential hormones, proper physical and emotional stimulation, and mindset.
Lactating Without Being Dependent On Domperidone (2)
Inducing lactation without having to become dependent on medications like Domperidone – inducing lactation naturally.
Is It Really Possible To Induce Lactation?
The question is often asked: “Is it really possible to induce lactation, and produce enough milk to breast feed without first being pregnant?”
Why an Adult Nursing Relationship?
An ANR is any relationship in which a woman, who is currently lactating, is being suckled by herr adult partner as part of a continuing relationship.
Domperidone for Lactation
Domperidone maleate is a medication used to treat stomach issues, but is frequently used for to stimulate lactation.
Lactating Without Being Dependent On Domperidone (1)
There are at least nine hormones involved with lactation and milk ejection. These hormones must be present, in the correct balance to lactate.
Newman-Goldfarb Protocols for Inducing Lactation
The Newman-Goldfarb induced lactation protocols are designed to imitate pregnancy, and kick-start the milk making process.
How Will My Breasts Know How Much Milk To Make?
There are 4 different hormones that contribute to the making of milk. This video shows when each comes into play, and it’s role in the milk-making process.
Induced Lactation After Menopause
Many mature woman and their partners are becoming interested in ANR and, as a result, this question comes up frequently – Induced Lactation After Menopause